Catholic · Little Ones at Mass · Parenthood

An Open Letter To Those Who Are Kind To My Family At Mass

Dear Kind Strangers,

You may not know how much your encouraging words mean to my husband and me. For every moment in Mass when I feel anxious that my children are distracting those around us, or generally wreaking havoc during mass, you smile at us with kindness in your eyes from a few pews over. For every one person who shows irritation when my not-quite-silent toddlers, dozens of you offer words of encouragement and support.

Week after week, you smile at my kids indulgently as they squirm in the pew. You nudge each other and nod in their direction as they flip through their picture bible, put their dollar in the collection basket, meander their way along with us in the communion line, with kindness in your eyes. And, most importantly, when they are angelic, and when they dissolve into toddler tantrums, you stop me after mass to say how lovely they are, how they remind you of your children when they were young, how nice it is see young families at mass. You offer words of support and encouragement, wrapped up in a quick sentence of two.

Thank you.

Thank you for your patience when my two year old bumps her head (again) and wails like a banshee.

Thank you for telling me that my children are beautiful. On the good days and the not so good days.

Thank you for sharing stories of your own families, your grown children. Thank you for making us feel understood, accepted, and welcomed.

Every once in a blue moon, I feel unwelcomed at Mass.  I remind myself of Jesus’ words, “let the little children come to me,” as I try to do just that, but sometimes (albeit very rarely in my own experience), someone seems annoyed by our efforts, and I succumb to discouragement.  It is in those moments that your simple gestures of embodied love and welcome lift me back up and strengthen me to keep going.  

This reminds me why fellowship, community, are so important in Christian life.  We are called to be Christ for each other, and in such simple ways you, Kind Strangers, are regularly Christ for me and my little ones, welcoming us in with love and joy.

Can I say it again?  Thank you.

A Mama Who Is Trying Her Best 

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